Monday, March 17, 2008

Congested with a side of blah

So starting on Thursday of last week, I got sick. At first I thought it was going to be one of those "One Day" colds that I always get but once Friday hit, I couldn't even function properly. I would sit at my computer screen and just start tearin up cause there was so much sinus pressure. Anywho Friday finally ended and I couldn't sleep a wink. Not only because I was sick but I forgot to put air in the Jeep tire and Jami was going to be driving it the next morning. SO for 2 hours I debated leaving to go fill the tire up with some air and get gas. So at 1AM I finally decide to go do it.
Saturday I felt suprisingly better considering I only got like 7 hours of sleep. I drove down to San Diego to meet my parents at Mission Center Drive for breakfast and to swap cars. Thats right no more Toyota Tacoma (we had some good times), it was the best car and it took me wherever I needed to go. Live long and prosper. But now I have a car that get 28-30 mpg. WOOOO FREEKIN HOOOO! Now if I could only get rid of our crap jeep.
Sunday was good, I enjoyed our guest speaker and what he had to encourage us with. I also helped Alex in the back, its not much but I feel it is one last thing for him not to do, and I am glad I can help.

I am a blessed man despite still being sick.

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