Saturday - I got to hang out with one of the best friends a guy could ask for, Dan Olson. If there is anyone in this world that can just see me for me (besides my wife) its this guy. It had been at least 4 or 5 months since I had seen him last and he was rockin a sweet beard. It was nice catchin up.
Sunday - Church was awesome, and I got to see the behind the scenes work and just watch some of our amazazing volunteers (we are truly blessed). Heck I'm just blessed I get to help out. After that we had a fun BBQ in the back of the church always good times.
Monday - ahh... nothing much happened.
Tuesday - Okay, tuesday is the new friday in my world. We had our life group wii fiesta. So much fun, so much good food, so many good times.

We rocked the Wii night away with a little bit of Guitar Hero! New favorite game!

Wenesday - I got a call about 4:30pm, it was Rob ,"Hey man you wanna play some tennis?", "Hells yeah, I do" I replied... So it ended up working out and I got the blisters to prove it. Good times!

I have truly been blessed these past 5 days!
and there was much rejoicing!
are u sure that blister isn't from playing too much Guitar Hero?
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