Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Have you ever...?

Something that happened yesterday inspired me to blog this....
have you ever....?

1. Have you ever been somewhere and it is really loud, so you are raising your voice to talk and all of the sudden the it gets quiet but you keep talking at the same volume?

2. Have you ever said "your mom" as a comeback to a person who's mom just died?

3. Have you ever thought it was safe to pass gas knowing full well there was no one around and then someone comes into your office or room? (and it always seem to smell so much more than usual)

4. Have you ever made a really rude comment while the windows are rolled down not paying attention that anyone could probably hear you?

5. Have you ever been to a wedding and got caught up in dancing silly and then felt really embarrassed after thinking about it?

6. (inspired by yesterday) Have you ever been a place to eat and commented on a certain meal or food that you thought was really gross only to notice that the person at the next table was eating that food/meal? And they obviously heard you...

7. Have you ever put on a dark blue navy sock and a black sock thinking that they were matching only to find that they are not so you do everything possible so no one will notice?

well I know who.... Me


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